Saturday, February 28, 2009


My daughter, Aaron, complained about my last photo, so I am reposting it showing it's easel surroundings.  She's in NY - she doesn't run my life!

Anyway here is the in-progress only slightly more progressed than before.  Hopefully, It might be completed today.  It is an 11x18 oil on panel and is beginning to make me happy.  SJo


  1. This is amazing... I love the little waterfall and how there are all these different movements in the water. The water just looks so real!

  2. Her Work is exquisite! The water in her paintings arouses delight by drawing you into the woods. As you set by the stream you settle into the depiction of nature and the bubbing stream as you take in the intricate details surrounding you. I find her work fascinating and inspirational.

  3. Just discovered your blog through v....vaughan's, your hankdling of the water is great. And, I like seeing the panel on the easel: makes it understandable.

  4. Hi Sherry Jo! Great work you've got going. I'll be coming your way in May to visit my son and his family. The daily painting has been fun and a learning experience, the blog is still new to me. I'll talk to you later.

  5. Just discovered your blog from my pardner, Tom Lucas. Your paintings are great. Will be checking your blog to see what is new.
    God bless, and keep up the good work
